Also no one has ever said that Blavatsky was the progenitor of Nazism. It is well known however that Hitler perhaps indirectly based many of his ideas on her concepts, and it is well known he read her book.
I believe the spiritual superiority idea was is and always will be a major mistake. That came from her.
Hitler was part of related occult groups including Ariosophy.
Wikipedia on Ariospophy — “Guido von List elaborated a racial religion premised on the concept of renouncing the imposed Semitic creed of Christianity and returning to the native religions of the ancient Indo-Europeans (List preferred the equivalent term Ario-Germanen, or ‘Aryo-Germanics’)… [10] In this, he became strongly influenced by the Theosophical thought of Madame Blavatsky, which he blended with his own highly original beliefs, founded upon Germanic paganism.[11]”